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Does engagement with exposure yield better outcomes?: Components of presence as a predictor of treatment response for virtual reality exposure therapy for social phobia




Virtual reality exposure (VRE) has been shown to be effective for treating a variety of anxiety disorders, including social phobia. Presence, or the level of connection an individual feels with the virtual environment, is widely discussed as a critical construct both for the experience of anxiety within a virtual environment and for a successful response to VRE. Two published studies show that whereas generalized presence relates to fear ratings during VRE, it does not relate to treatment response. However, presence has been conceptualized as multidimensional, with three primary factors (spatial presence, involvement, and realness). These factors can be linked to other research on the facilitation of fear during exposure, inhibitors of treatment response (e.g., distraction), and more recent theoretical discussions of the mechanisms of exposure therapy, such as Bouton’s (2004) description of expectancy violation. As such, one or more of these components of presence may be more strongly associated with the experience of fear during VRE and treatment response than the overarching construct. The current study (N=41) evaluated relations between three theorized components of presence, fear ratings during VRE, and treatment response for VRE for social phobia. Results suggest that total presence and realness subscale scores were related to in-session peak fear ratings. However, only scores on the involvement subscale significantly predicted treatment response. Implications of these findings are discussed.
机译:虚拟现实暴露(VRE)已被证明可有效治疗各种焦虑症,包括社交恐惧症。对于虚拟环境中的焦虑体验以及对VRE的成功响应,存在感或个人与虚拟环境之间的连接程度已被广泛讨论为一种关键构造。两项已发表的研究表明,尽管普遍存在与VRE期间的恐惧等级有关,但与治疗反应无​​关。但是,存在已被概念化为多维的,具有三个主要因素(空间存在,参与和真实性)。这些因素可以与其他有关在暴露期间促进恐惧,抑制治疗反应(例如分心)的研究,以及有关暴露疗法的机制的最新理论讨论(例如Bouton(2004)对预期违规的描述)相关联。这样,存在的这些成分中的一个或多个可能比总体结构更紧密地与VRE和治疗反应期间的恐惧经历相关。当前的研究(N = 41)评估了存在的三个理论组成部分,VRE期间的恐惧等级以及社交恐惧症对VRE的治疗反应之间的关系。结果表明,总存在量和真实性量表分数与会话中恐惧高峰评分有关。但是,只有参与子量表上的分数可以显着预测治疗反应。讨论了这些发现的含义。



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